
Chuck Hagel Defense Secretary Resigning

                                                                  With less than two years beneath his belt Chuck Hagel is resigning, He was the only republican on President Obama's team. Hagel claimed he was tired of being pushed around and told what to do, after three visits with president Obama and not being asked to stay he thought it was clear not to continue to push the issue and keep himself where he clearly was not wanted. Hagel seeming as if he was the right man for the job after his years he spent in the arm and the experience he has gained. Now feels like maybe he was not wanted there or accepted. It is said that he did not believed in sending more troops in to Iraq because of the man power that it would cost us. He wanted to actually try to bring more troops home. His resignation was not what he wanted but what he had to do. It is said that he approached president Obama over a week ago about him stepping down and the president did oblige to his request. Then

The Life You Were Born To Live Book of the Month

When you think about life what are your expectations? Are you where you thought you would be? Are you doing better or worse than what you originally presume? I am sure many did not expect themselves to be where they are today or that their lives would have turned out how it is. Apart of living life and growing is learning from your mistake and finding your true purpose in life: The path that you are supposed to be on. Everyone life path is different, their purpose for being on this earth is different. Some are of artistic nature, musicians, painters, dancers the list goes on. Others are here to do other things like own business, create and build so that they can capitalize. The fact of the matter is that some life path maybe similar but for different purposes. I have recently implemented a play for my life path. I discovered a book "The Life You Were Born To Live" A Guide To Finding Your Life Purpose By: Dan Millman  You start off by adding your birth date example

Fall Fashion Trends and Budgets

When fashion is a priority, what should you do? Fall into line and then take a leap of faith into winter. Always be optimistic with your style. Fashion is not what's trending, it is more what you can make trendy. Everyones budget is different so shopping for each individual comes with a different price range.                                                                   When thinking about winter everyone thinks about runway style and the colors that are going to be in for the season. Well, you can stay in style with similar trends as seen on the runway and still stay within your budget. Many store's such as H&M, Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, Zara, Macy's, Bloomingdales and many more names. Carry what will be in style for the season and each style is uniquely created by different designers. So ladies remember stay trendy and in style. Never be afraid to add your twist and your style to your outfit, Making each one your own. Fashion will alw

GOP's Take Over Congress Republican Rules The House

                                                          For the first time since 2006 the house is becoming dominantly Republicans. Obama staff did not try to hide or butter up the fact that this may cause an issue in the house. In the midst of mid-term election the house is beginning to change for the democrats. The GOP has picked up four senator seats that were previously owned by democrats, when Obama phoned in for the congratulations he had a small surprise awaiting him.                 States such as Iowa, Colorado, North Carolina and Arkansas They were also able to attain 3 more state seats as many expected; seats such as West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana. They also held on to other key seats in Kansas and Georgia. That was more than the six they needed to secure the majority of the house.        Where does this leave the democrats that went out to vote and the ones that did not? When majority rules the upper house it is now an issue for the voices

Women and Cat Calls!

                                             When is it okay to be a woman in NYC walking down any street? Women within in the city go through harassment on a daily basis and they are supposed to accept it. Is it okay for a man do a cat call at a woman? Do these things that make women uncomfortable walking down the streets of NYC? Where does it end, what should be the limit?  I was able to view two totally different videos depicting what a walk in the NYC streets are like for women. One of the videos was within the view of someone with a narrow mind. The other was with someone more open minded. To do a representation of women and what they go through on whether it is a rough day or a regular day; first you have to take her through different neighborhoods, not just a neighborhood that is a specific race. If you ask me there is already an issue with a video that is made to show you something specific but it's only within certain neighborhoods. Whereas the other vid

Oscar De La Renta Dies at 82!

                                                    Any lost is tragic no matter the person or the circumstance. Knowing that you are not on this earth to stay; yet good bye is one of the hardest things that you have to say to anyone. Join me and the fashion world and everyone who cared for fashion and their designers, as we say farewell to a great designer that has been around for centuries Oscar De La Renta. A fashion Icon and a designer that his work will go down in history. The words "you're worth more dead than alive" rings more accurate as you see people pass away through out the years. De la Renta has created memories for many. Most of which has graced the runway as well as the red carpet. Many have had the chance to wear a design that was only created once by him. Oscar has made custom pieces for many on for their special events as many designers had. Pieces for their weddings, anniversary, balls and so fourth. There will no longer be custom made items from

Clueless Actress Stacey Dash on President Obama

                                 "During an appearance on Fox News’ “ Hannity ,” Dash gave her two cents on why voting for Obama and Obamacare has not benefited minority communities. “No [it hasn't benefited minorities]. Not at all,” said the “Clueless” actress turned political commentator. “It still keeps them stuck. They’re getting money for free. They feel worthless. They’re uneducated. I mean, as long as you are that way, [Democrats] can keep you under their control…” “They have a plantation mentality. As long as they give you this much money, you’ll stay right there. You don’t need to know too much because if you do, you might start thinking for yourself.” That is crazy. She is a black woman to America and will always be a black woman to America. "What she feels makes no difference". She is stating that:"blacks are uneducated and are kept behind". When speaking about people you know nothing about you have to speak and be selective. Every