
Showing posts from September 17, 2017

Hurricane Irma, Rebuilding After!

 After such a crazy year, it has been catastrophic events happening back to back. First Hurricane Harvey left Texas scrambling to put the pieces back together. Now Hurricane Irma is leaving six states putting their pieces back together. South Carolina, North Carolina, Atlanta, Alabama and Florida. When everything is said and have put the pieces back together it will be a lesson learned on every side. The government will learn to be better prepared for times like these and the citizens will do the same. There is no true way to plan for these events but you can prepare yourself to know that in case this happens again you will be more prepared to take better actions for you and your family.      Everyone in Florida has been on edge for the last five days. There were millions that evacuated and millions who stayed. Hurricane Irma threatened everyone in the area; people left their homes and went to shelter others went to family and friends house and the rest left the state in fear