Women and Cat Calls!


When is it okay to be a woman in NYC walking down any street? Women within in the city go through harassment on a daily basis and they are supposed to accept it. Is it okay for a man do a cat call at a woman? Do these things that make women uncomfortable walking down the streets of NYC? Where does it end, what should be the limit? 

I was able to view two totally different videos depicting what a walk in the NYC streets are like for women. One of the videos was within the view of someone with a narrow mind. The other was with someone more open minded. To do a representation of women and what they go through on whether it is a rough day or a regular day; first you have to take her through different neighborhoods, not just a neighborhood that is a specific race. If you ask me there is already an issue with a video that is made to show you something specific but it's only within certain neighborhoods. Whereas the other video goes a little broader and includes more than one woman.

Harassment is nothing new. I myself endure cat calls when walking down the street most times. Some are hard to ignore, the rest well I can just tune them out. I listen to my music on a daily basis walking down the street. It kind of my way of ignoring the majority of the world while not having to listen to men outside. I can honestly some more aggressive than others, but I endure this is every neighborhood with every race. So it is hard to just retain it to one neighborhood or a specific area.

It seems like the only time it's okay to be a woman in NYC walking down the street is when it comes to fashion. It can be okay for a woman to deal with cat calling when she likes things of that manor. When they are expect and look forward to it. It should end when the woman does not give you a response. When she does not show any form of interest in your cat calling. There should always be a limit and many do not know how, when, where, and why. 


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