In Celebration of Black History Month!


In the history of life and everything that is happening, Black Hiistory month is one of the month's that causes controversy and dialogue for many. There has been so many people within the united states that disagree with this month and there are some that are wondering why do they need an entire month for their history. In the reality of it history should be taught everyday not just one specific month. However because Black people were not learning their history during the time of integration there were people who came together to create this history that is now celebrated. It went from a day to a week and now a month. When celebrating others should it matter how long they have to celebrate themselves, and the hard work that they have put fourth in order to receive this time of celebration for themselves? When you look at history itself their are many parts of history that is not spoken about and it is not shared with the ones who need to know it. The history that is taught in school for black children growing up is always slavery when their history is more than slavery. That in itself is a form of repression in the sentiments to drive a narrative of control.


History is not classified for one specific genetic makeup of humans. It is for everyone who was apart of that history but that is not the case. I want to end this month with a dialogue that will continue every month because history is still being made today with black women and men that are currently the first to break certain records in a country that they share with white people. This is apart of the reason why this month is so significant not only for black people but for everyone in this world who assume black people are the worst of the worst when in reality they suffer the same fate within their communities from their own kin. 

Some patrons act as if black history is not the history that the people of many countries are living within. The neglect for all that blacks have accomplished within this world that is the reason why this month is so important and addressing all that black people were able to accomplish keeps the legacy of those who have shifted history not just for their people but for all who occupy any space within this world. Your level of being uncomfortable within this month and knowing the history of all that black people have accomplished shows that you are not okay with knowing that people of color are educated, they are smart and that there are awesome people from this group who has continued to make history and make this world a better place for those who reside within it. 

Black history and the history of this country is not separate it is equal but it is not treat in that format or respected in that way. When the light is shined on American and African American Black people it is always in a bias format which demoralize them as people and lessen their value for those who want to be superior without any variance in accomplishment for their history.

Below is the link speaking on Black history month: there is a article written on this website last year about this exact information that you are going to watch.


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