The construct of race within The United States is broken down and divided in to segments of people. You are labeled by your ethnicity as a race. The division that was created has caused a separation amongst the people that reside within this country. In the social construct of people and the economy; separation by class is not enough, there is also a derision that is a vice which comes in the construct of ethnic backgrounds. If the issue is not someones ethnic background why is it such an important thing to list on job, credit card, loans, and other applications you are filling out and using to apply for something within the country?

According to the United States census from 2010 to 2020 the changes within communities have changed severally for some "race" and not so much for others. The chart below is from the census bureau.  

These are the construct and division of the racial backgrounds that they have put together to group and classify the citizens of The United States of America. In understanding the make up and break down of this chart you can gain an understanding of how they create neighborhoods and prices for the neighborhoods based on the people or groups that are in the living spaces i.e neighborhoods with residents within it. In most neighborhoods their is not a large margin for variety because humans are creatures of habit so they tend to stick to what and who they know. Meaning you will find a high populated area with a dominant ethnic group.

In the construction of the community it is usually people from similar places within a specific country or demographic that you will find in the same neighborhoods; it is not very common to find a mixture in a large variation in most communities unless you are in a city area. Inside this city area most people come from various countries outside of the u.s, but in their cases they may have a similar culture to one another. So they will find their self within the group of cultural similarities but they with have a variety of range in skin complexion and hair textures.

In creating the best structure for a country variety is needed and so is variation. In the U.S there are more people separated than unified. In the understanding of unity you create better cities and social communities when people are able to be diverse and intermingle with others. In the separation of citizens you are doing your country a disservice. You are not getting the best from your citizens nor are you receiving the best out of them.


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