Advantages in the Advancement of Technology | by Jenna Kuhnle | Exploration  | Medium

Artificial intelligence has been on the rise for decades, it has ways of making your life easier and other ways of making it complicated. Appliances have made people's lives easier, and making it complicated in other forum. Many praise technological advances but they do not think about the issues it causes until later on down the time line when it starts to act out of the ordinary of the programming. The idea of anything seems to create a space within your life and lifestyle. In the advancement of tech the devices that are being developed has its roll that it can play within your life. It also has its adversities that it carries with it. In order to move things forward in the Evolution process development needs to take place. The issues that many face with the development is how it affects you and your lifestyle. How is it conducive to how you live your life.

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In many ways there are technology that will create space for other technological advances. In the development of new tech people do have to take into consideration the effects of what they create; with tesla being the first battery powered car to truly take off in our present day economy it has made room for other brands to develop their models of the battery powered car. Tesla's model carries a 3 hour charge while Porsche on the other hand their car charge last about 6-8 hours. This is a significant difference when you think about your day to day activities. When it comes time to charge these cars how long does it take to charge these vehicles and how much time does it really cost you; is it better for the environment using all of this electricity to charge your car. Does it support the economical structure or does it put a constraint on it. When you have a gasoline or diesel vehicle you do not have to worry about charging your car and how long it will take to charge your car. You can stop into a gas station and be back on the road within minutes.

In the contingent of life and the capacity of making things easier; how long is the turn around time on the technology that is advancing within this world. You have to take the time factor within that; how does it assist, or how does it take away from the global advancement. How long will it take you to complete a task or activity with the technology that is being presented to you? How does these technology creates a easier life or how do they cause more hassle?

The development of your Ipad or Tablet is a form of technological advances, thinking about the changes from wired headphone into wireless is an advancement of technology, however there are things that you have to take into consideration when you do look at these things. How long do they take to charge, before use of these headphones? Can you pick your headphones up and use them if they are not charged? There is always a downside, or something that causes conflict within the use and change of technological advance. You can truly say that about anything within life, there is a positive and a negative aspect.

Moving forward with technology can be fun for some and it can be daunting for those who are not technologically advancing with the world. What are you doing to help yourself in adjusting with the change of the world? Even if you hate technology it is still becoming apart of the world that you exist in. It is becoming a larger part of the world than most like to admit. In the Evolution of life being adaptable with the changes not just keeps you in the knowing of things it also keeps you in the growth along side the world. The more you learn and develop the better you get in helping others to do the same. 

When you walk into most department store you are seeing more technology being used to make the space easier to maneuver for those who are shopping with the store, or just to make it easier for the store itself. Many of the department stores such as Target and Walmart are introducing self checkout with the space of their shoppers. After the push of the self checkout within Walmart they are now complaining about the financial lost that it is causing them in this space. They are stating that more people are walking out with inventory rather than paying for them in the self checkout line. The pro's and the con's do come with the changes. This may not have been something they truly planned for when they introduced this technological advancement. While they reduce the amount of workers that they have to pay, they increased the overall cost of product loss in this venture. So at this point it is costing more financially to have this set-up in place rather than paying employees. 

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Through the transition that we are going through and will continue to go through the work is needed in order for everyone to grow and integrate technology within their life in an aspect that they do not have to be overwhelmed by the transition is necessary. Introduction to technology and understanding of this technology is needed. Staying in the known of what is taking place is a certified way to keep you up to date and in an understanding of life and what is taking place within life as far as technological changes.                                    


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