Chris Christie Attacks President Obama!

The attacks on President Obama hasn't stopped. Mayor Chris Christie attacked president Obama Wednesday in his interview with Jake Tapper. Christy is claiming that, "Obama created this crisis to begin with."He says quote "His failure created this and that president Obama is a joke." As a candidate that is running for president should you speak in these terms as far as addressing the current  president? Is it because he is black why many of these candidate keep attacking him on the job he is doing as a president? Bush left us in debt and in a war that we were not winning. Why is there such a small amount of people casting judgement on George Bush?

We know that racism still exist and that is sad. Yet it will continue to exist just as good and bad will continue to walk the earth. Yet with all the chaos that is taking place in this world why is it so hard to find away for us to get along. People need to learn to put their differences to the side and come together for a cause, not attack one another when something goes wrong. Anyone can make a mistake, and anyone decision can cost our country penalties. We have seen president after president make mistakes based on their decision they decided to carry out. They thought it was best for the country and it turned out being the opposite. i did not see so many fingers being pointed at them nor do I see anyone trying to blame them for their actions. Lets not let skin color dictate who we point the finger to. Nor should we let religion stop us from making a difference is peoples lives.

The house is also making their own rules and laws. They have gone behind President Obama's back to create a law to slow down the refugees that are coming into the U.S. This is a country that is built on Immigrants and refugees, so why do they deem themselves high enough to stop or slow down refugees from Syria? Who told the Europeans that they couldn't land here or live here when the land was taken from the Indians?

Hillary Clinton also has gone as far as to challenge what President Obama stated about Isis being contained. Saying, "Our goal is not to deter or contain Isis, but to defeat and destroy." For someone who served under President Obama as secretary of state for 4 years, why are you now beginning to distance yourself from the party you have supported? Where is the loyalty Madam Secretary? Everyone knows that you are known to flip flop and you do not stand behind someone when they are not living up to the media or your standard to get ahead anymore, but will we be flip flopped on if you become president of the U.S?


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