Finding your Strength

They want you to fear because they do not want you to know your own strength. We the people do not push our selves to great lengths because we fear losing. A loss does not mean you will not gain. It just means you took a hit and recovering from that hit may or may not be easy. If everything were easy then everyone else would do it! You have to build yourself up mentally so that you can with stand the pain or any damage sustained with the loss. Eg. It is like being a child and riding a bike at first you start with training wheels. You have on a helmet, knee pads, wrists gear and you are safely graded and the assistance of your parent that is holding on to the bike. You then slowly out grow a few of these things because now you are coming out of your safety net. No more knee pads or wrist gear now its just you a helmet and you training wheels. Then you out grow the training wheels and now you take a few falls but then you get back up and keep riding. In life everything is a process and when you feel to give up because things aren't going your way you are stunting your growth on what is there to come. Let determination be the reason you did not give up. Let you're dreams mean more to you than you're feelings and continue to aspire to be great. There will not be a lot of people who will believe in your nor would they cast their vote for you. Martin luther King did not have many behind him when he first started but he kept strong and fought anyway after they saw the impact he was making that was when the followers came along so never think that you are alone on your journey someone you may not know may just have the faith you have been looking for to give to you. 

Your greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time you fall.~ Confucius


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