Bring Back our GIRLS...........

Protecting a child is something a lot of people take lightly. We take many things for granted in the united states. There are so many countries that does not have the privileges that we have. Yet we do not study anywhere or anything but ourselves. In china girls are not as valuable as boys and many end up dying of starvation. We may not be a perfect country and we have our issues as any other country. One thing that we forget is at the end of the day we are all human and at some point or the next we all may need help or protection from somewhere. We can not make it on our own guidance and assistance is given some where by someone.
   We have children on missing posters here almost everyday. Our children are our future why do we not treat them as such. You have pedophiles who pray on the weak which are our children. They can not protect themselves only we can protect them. Yet a lot of people do not do their jobs and play there roles. I know usually you see a child on the street and think nothing of it because it is not your child, but that child belongs to someone and you never know when it might be your child who is lost, being bullied, taken hostage and no one pays them no attention. A little really does go a long way. Doing something for someone else with out compensation is not going to kill you nor will it take away from you in any shape or form. Never be too caught up in yourself that you can not help someone else. We have children killing one another due to being bullied or picked on, on a regular basis. We have our youths dying because of gang violence or influence. There are also children dying from stray bullets  shootings, and these are just some of the many things that are taking place in our backyard not anyone else's.
  There are a lot that children do not have nor do they have access to in other parts of the world. Females are of no priority and are considered minority in many places in the world. This should not be tolerated we are all we are all created equally. God made Adam and Eve, Him as the provider and protector, her as the nurturer and giver of life. A child should be treated as such there is no reason why i child(Girls) should be forced into situations that should be for adults. 
   On April 14, 2014 Nearly 300 young girls were kidnapped from their school by armed extremist. This heinous act was claimed to be done by the militant islamic group Boko Haran. The name means "western education is a sin". There was a video that was made by said group that they have the girls and they were planning on selling them off to be married. In these countries girls as young as 10 is being forced to marry these grown men and live a life that they are not yet prepared to live. Imagine this was your child. "Your precious little girl" not being able to make her choices on the direction she is taking her life. Being told that we are going to sell you to an older man who wants to marry you and have you carry his child and you will become something like his slave for the rest of his life or the rest of yours. How? Children are being traded for food, grain, animals, and money put in a compromising position and they never see it coming. Well here we are in the 21st century and children (girls) are still being treated in this manner. We need to help to put a stop to these heinous crimes on our children our girls. No one child should have to experience this or be exposed to that.  Join the fight and campaign   



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