
Showing posts from November 1, 2014

Women and Cat Calls!

                                             When is it okay to be a woman in NYC walking down any street? Women within in the city go through harassment on a daily basis and they are supposed to accept it. Is it okay for a man do a cat call at a woman? Do these things that make women uncomfortable walking down the streets of NYC? Where does it end, what should be the limit?  I was able to view two totally different videos depicting what a walk in the NYC streets are like for women. One of the videos was within the view of someone with a narrow mind. The other was with someone more open minded. To do a representation of women and what they go through on whether it is a rough day or a regular day; first you have to take her through different neighborhoods, not just a neighborhood that is a specific race. If you ask me there is already an issue with a video that is made to show you something specific but it's only within certain neighborhoods. Whereas the other vid