
Worker's Struggle in Colorado

In Denver Colorado the Super Shuttle has had the same pay for numerous of years. The people have been trying to negotiate their first contract for five years now Super Shuttle unilaterally ended bargaining and began implementing. They were given the same contract that they received 5 years ago. which they still turn down. Super Shuttle is owned by a fresh company that goes by the name of Veoila which happens to be a corporation. Management also knows that the disrespect to workers rights is taking place inside of this country and they are not doing anything about it. If this were you would you want better for yourself?


                                                                       When is enough, enough? When do you reach a point where your past can no longer dictate your future. As you get older time becomes more precious; no one knows the value of something until they are about to lose it or its already gone. This thing they call life is not taken serious by anyone until it comes to losing. This journey that everyone has to take STARTS OFF THE SAME FOR EVERYONE. We may carry feelings for things, but some people do not even know why they harbor these feelings. We hold on to the wrong feelings and hold grudges because being bitter is easier than being happy. You have to come to your point, where you have had enough and be ready to find your way. Nothing will ever be the same after that point but many do not reach that point. Most people feel as if they are damed if they do or don't, that people are going to judge regardless. Some claim that they are not worried about what people say or

Millennials on changing the economy.

This information was released by the Clinton global Initiative addressing the younger generation and what they think they can do for this world that we are in today. This is not the full article just a snap shot of. What are your stance and opinions on this information? MILLENNIALS ARE MORE OPTIMISTIC THAN THEIR PARENTS THAT THEY CAN SOLVE GLOBAL CHALLENGES Results of new CGI University-Microsoft Pulse on America survey of young adults shows a trust in technology; and that education, the economy and human rights are Millennials’ top-ranked concerns PHOENIX -- A new survey of 17- to 26-year-olds finds an optimistic generation that believes it has more potential and is better equipped than the past generation to handle the greatest issues facing society. Of the Millennials polled, 62% said that it is likely that their generation “is better equipped to handle the greatest issues facing society”; 72% said that is a result of “access to better technology”; and 79% said that they are

A.K.A Fareal

Well today was spent behind the scene and on camera for the up and coming Reggae pop artist who goes by the name of A.K.A FaReal. This young man has been working on his music for over five years now. As long as I have known him he has always been dedicated to his music. He is very creative and talented. He is full of energy and he tries his best to keep you happy when you are in his company. Wanting to make a difference with his music he strive to keep things positive and energetic. Growing up in the Jungle that everyone knows as New York City Randy Thomas A.K.A FaReal is putting fourth the effort and energy that he feels would be a positive vibe within the music industry. He is a well educated young man that has attain his Bachelors and his Masters to gain a better future for his life. Inspiration is what he lives on and inspiring others is what he strives to do. Not knowing what the future holds in store, but still I am wishing him well with his career and his music.  http://Ins

Visions and Dreams

If you ever feel like giving up on something remember why you started in the first place. The reason why people start things is because they had a dream, vision, or idea that they want to put into motion. There are things that many want to accomplish before they die. Things they want to do with their lives. A legacy that they want to leave behind, but in order to make this dream a reality the work has to be done in order to get this organization off the ground. The easy part is the dream as anyone knows. The harder part is doing the work to get your dream or vision that you have in your mind off of the floor. When startting anything there will be difficulties to inhibit, trials and tribulations that will shlow your progress or put a damper in the plans that you have set in motion to get your dream to a point where it is a reality or it is on the verge of being a reality.     Some people start a project and then give up on it, others start, and then they do not want to do the work for

Shoes anyone

In our society these days our shoes say more than our mouth, hair, make-up or anything else we can think of. When someone looks at you on the street, job, school, events etc. The first place their eyes go is to your feet and then back up to your face. It use to be from your head to your toes. Now, these days it is total opposite. So I say, hey! Look at my shoes tell me how nice they are, how much you like them/ hate them, or better yet rate them if you like. Me personally I love shoes so do not be offend if you catch me looking I might just find your pair of shoes to be awesome, pretty, cute or just plain hot. So do not be afraid to parade your shoes and use them to define you or your "fit" for the day.

My skin

This skin is my skin and I am happy with the skin I am in A black woman with a touch of golden brown I love my skin  Because it's not perfect  My nicks and nacks from carelessness The way my hips sway when I walk down the street  My arch in my back to my round breast Oh yes my skin is flawless  From the knit of my brow to the puckering of my lips It can cause distress  When I put my brown eyes on you  Don't get intimidated from my intense stair  Just know that approach if you dare!