
Now listening to Rihanna Question Existing

   I think that  a lot of people need to ask themselves these questions. Who are you living for? Can you endure some more? I am not sure as to how many people can look at themselves in the mirrow and not be disgusted, turned off, opposed, and just not hate themselves. Everyone needs to know that they are beautiful and if you are caught in a bad situation! know that it is not forever. We as people seem to put ourselves in positions we know, that we do not need to be in. Some situations can be avoided and others cannot.    Take every mis hap as a lesson learned. If you did not learn the lesson try to look back at the situation and take what you can from it. Learn to accept that something in life you cannot change and others you can. Everyday we can grow and every step can be a step closer or further away from your destination, but the steps to get where you want to be will be well worth it when you get there.    I am learning to accept somethings as they are and also learning to chan